Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), annually, holds the selection on the outstanding students from the study program level, Faculty/School level, and finally at university scale to choose the best student to represent ITB at the national competition.

The processes started from each study program that sent their best two students to compete at Faculty/School. Each study program has its way to determine who are their best candidate, mainly based on their academic and non-academic achievements.

The candidates from each study program in FMAE:

Mechanical Engineering:

  1. Raymond Angsetya (13118114)
  2. Azaria Haykal Ahmad (13118013)

Aerospace Engineering:

  1. Farras Ezra Carakapurwa (13618051)
  2. Made Yogga Anggara Pangestu (13618024)

Material Engineering:

  1. Faiq Ahmad Ramadhan (13718048)
  2. Kevin Matthew Manurung (13718047)

The faculty level selection required each student to write a scientific report in English about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) based on their expertise. They presented the ideas to the Dean and FMAE lectures. The best student will then compete at the university level from the selected top three.

First Place: Raymond Angsetya

Second Place:  Kevin Matthew Manurung

Third Place: Azaria Haykal Ahmad

Raymond Angsetya was chosen as the most outstanding student from FMAE 2021. Raymond did not only focus on his study but also participated in many competitions and student organizations. He is currently the head of Rakata ITB (Green Energy Vehicle Student Organization). He has joined other student organizations like KMK (Catholic Community) ITB as head of prayer division and Tarung Derajat (One of Indonesian Martial Arts) ITB secretary. Raymond also has achieved many achievements; one of them is when he and his team won the KMHE (Energy Efficient Vehicle Competition) 2020 in the prototype category. Besides all his accomplishments, Raymond also has a fascinating hobby which is watercolor and digital drawing. He has thought in the future to expand his hobby into a business to provide drawing services.

He presented an attractive solution to the SDGs goals, a simple harvesting tool for people in rural areas, especially in mountainous regions. This tool does not require an engine or electrical supply; therefore, it is low cost and user-friendly for the farmers. Hopefully, this idea could accelerate Indonesia to achieve the Zero Hunger goal, even more, that Indonesia is an agricultural country. Raymond will continue his project to compete again in the further selection at the university scale.

Design of simple harvesting tool by Raymond

The second winner, Kevin Matthew, proposed using cotton clothes as the outdoor chair’s composite material. He said that there are many cotton-clothes waste in Indonesia, and he saw the opportunity to processes and reduce the number of waste. This idea was never implemented before and will be a good one to be realized. It also will increase people awareness about waste recycling.

The third winner, Azaria Haykal Ahmad, has a unique motivation to participate in this selection. He said that his inner motivation is to make his parents proud. Haykal noted that this selection is gratifying; he could also practice his English writing and speaking ability during the process. His idea to answer SDGs goals is Geothermal utilization in the Manggarai district; the development of this power plant will also increase the area’s economic condition.

The winner of the FMAE outstanding students’ selection, Raymond Angsetya, said that participating in many competitions or organizations is essential to encourage other students. Still, students in FMAE should never forget that the primary responsibility of the student is to study. Do not be too enthusiastic at joining competitions or organizations, then neglect our primary responsibility, which is studying, especially during this pandemic situation.