Direktorat Kemitraan dan Hubungan Internasional ITB, menyelenggarakan acara Joint Symposium Hokkaido University – ITB bertempat di Ruang Seminar FTMD ITB Kamis 1 Oktober 2015 dan Jumát 2 Oktober 2015.
Acara dimulai pukul 13.00 dengan memperkenalkan semua pembicara.
Adapun acara selanjutnya adalah :
Sesi I :
Presentasi tentang research, innovation and partnership oleh Dr. Irwan Meilano, ST.,M .Sc.,
Presentasi tentang Hokkaido University (research, education, partnership) oleh Prof. Yukinori Kobayashi,
Current research and education @Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Eng ITB (Dr. Hari Muhammad),
Current research and education @Faculty of Civil and Environmental Eng ITB (Prof. Ade Sjafruddin),
Current research and education @Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Eng ITB (Prof. Ridho K. Wattimena),
Current research and education @School of Life Sciences and Technology ITB (Dr. Fenny Martha Dwivany),
Sesi II :
Current research and education @Faculty of Engineering HU (Prof. Kobayashi),
Current research and education @Faculty of Agriculture HU (Prof. Kimura),
Current research and education @Faculty of Enyironmental Earth Science HU (Prof. Tanaka).

Hari kedua, Jumát 2 Oktober 2015:
Sesi I, Grup 1:
Movement Variability Measurement Methods (dr. Alwin Tahid, Sp.KFR),
Biomechanics (Assoc. Prof. Todoh Masahiro),
Researches and Industrial Collaboration Activities in Materials Engineering FTMD ITB (Dr.Ir. Husaini Ardy),
Current Research in Astronautics group (Dr. Ridanto Eko Poetro ST., M.Sc.),
Advanced Flight Control System Development (Ony Arifianto, Ph.D).
Sesi I, Grup 2
Current Research in Water and Waste Water Research Group (Prof. Ir. Suprihanto Notodarmojo, Ph.D),
Water Quality Control (Prof. Okabe Satoshi),
Research on Acid Mine Drainage in ITB: Current Status & Challenges (Prof. Dr. Ir. Rudy Sayoga Gautama B),
Current Research Activity of Air and Waste Management (Awm) Research Group (Prof. Dr. Ir. Enri Damanhuri),
Three Dimensional Ocean Hydrodynamics, SedimentTransport, and Water Quality Model using Non-Orthogonal Boundary Fitted Technique in Spherical Coordinate System. Application of MuTeknologi
Software in Indonesia.(Dr. Muslim Muin)
Sesi II, Grup 1
Vibration and Control Research in Dynamic Laboratory (Prof. Zainal Abidin),
Vibration and Robotics (Prof. Kobayashi Yukinori),
Advanced Robotics Lab ITB (Egi M. Idris Hidayat, ST., MT., Ph.D),
Development of Seismic Risk Microzonation Maps of Jakarta City (Prof. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam, MSE,Ph.D.),
Development of Integrated Torre-Briquetting Processes (Dr. Eng. Pandji Prawisudha)
Sesi II, Grup 2
Metabolite Control in Cash Crop Agriculture System (Dr. Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti),
Faculty of Agriculture, Molecular Enzymology (Prof. Atsuo Kimura),
Biology in the 21st Century: With focus on Biomedical Sciences (Dr. Indra Wlbowo),
Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Analytical Chemistry (Prof. Shunitz Tanaka),
Environmental Eng (Dr. Edwan Kardena)